We need to start talking about the ‘meanings’ of life

World Philosophy Day, which takes place this Thursday, is one of the more neglected anniversaries in the calendar. Last year it fell on the same date as World Toilet Day, a synchronicity that might have insulted some philosophers but had a certain logic. As UCD lecturer Dr Áine Mahon pointed out, when launching the new […]

How the left can rise again – in three steps

Liberals and left-wing types are usually well-educated, yet, time and again, they show extraordinary ignorance about what motivates people to take one political stance over another. The idea that voters calmly and unemotionally weigh up the pros and cons of Remain versus Leave, for example, or Clinton versus Trump, is a fantasy. As the Scottish […]

Rebranding socialism as humane and socially responsible capitalism

Thirty years ago Desmond Fennell observed that socialist thought in Ireland was “virtually non-existent”. James Connolly “is still the chief reference source of Irish socialism, with no other Irish thinker intervening” since. That summation still holds good, as does Fennell’s conclusion that “socialist activism has been confined to the margins”. Since the foundation of the […]

Say no to groupthink: how philosophy can transform learning

Why is there such resistance to teaching philosophy in Ireland? Joe Humphreys          Tues, Nov 19 2013             The Irish Times If philosophy had been on the curriculum 30 years ago, would we be in the same mess we’re in today? It’s a tantalising thought and the very sort of “what if?” question philosophers love to debate. […]